Current Investments
Asaak offers mobile financial services across Uganda to strengthen businesses. They have built a revolutionary, mobile-based system that is coupled with extraordinary customer service to offer financial products that anyone can access anywhere, without the hassle or judgement of traditional institutions.
Ilara Health
Ilara Health distributes low-cost artificial intelligence (AI) powered diagnostic devices to primary care doctors in peri-urban and rural clinics.
The startup’s diagnostic devices are bundled with Ilara Health’s proprietary electronic medical record (EMR) systems which records patient data and helps doctors to provide effective patient management.
The three founders started the company to help doctors bring life-saving diagnostics to the 500 million people in sub-Saharan Africa who “need them the most”.
Fairbanc is a mobile loan and payments platform for emerging market small- medium enterprises (SMEs) through unlocking supply chain credit for FMCG micro-merchants without needing smartphones or loan applications. The vast majority of their customers are unbanked and women-operated FMCG merchants.
Their AI/ML-powered platform can read digital footprints such as transaction history with large suppliers to grant instant digital credit lines that SMEs can use to purchase inventories from our selected suppliers. Retail shop-owners can boost sales up to 20%, eliminate cash shortages, enjoy an easier payments regimen, and develop a credit history; suppliers receive more consistent order cycles, more instant payments upon delivery, and SKU sales expansion.